

BuddyPress Deactivate Account – Deactivate set by default on registration

  • Participant
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    Linklusion on #25330

    Hi Brajesh

    I would like to have users approved after registration.

    I installed plugin BuddyPress Registration Options
    It is not working nicely
    Since recently, users stays in the queue even after approval,u sers apperas in directoy even if not approved, they just need to connect once etc …

    Using BuddyPress Deactivate Account can work with a small adaptation, I just need to be able to define by default that all users after registration are deactivated (no notification sent that account is deactivated at registration)

    Is it possible to do that ?
    1 – Set all new users as deactivated
    2 – Don’t send notification of deactivation at this step only (further modification of status will be as defined in settings)

    As an extend, I might need
    – reason of deactivation (extra field with option)
    – date deactivation (automatic)
    – history of deactivation (on user profil)



  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25335

    Hi Johan,

    Thank you for the questions.

    1. Sure, we can hook to use_register action to make it work. Please let me know. I can put some code.
    2. No, the plugin was not designed with registration in mind. It does not have the ability to restrict and it needs to be done as custom.

    The extending is not feasible without partially rewriting the plugin. We do not have the UI or the storage for history/reason.
    It is certainly doable but beyond what we can offer on support.

    If you are a developer, I may be able to provide some assistance on how to achieve it.

    PS:- I still believe Registration Options is better suitable for this task as they have created the plugin specifically for this use case.
    Have you reported it to them?


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    Linklusion on #25336

    Hi Brajesh

    No I haven’t reported the issue yet, I need to find where it is coming from
    Error message, I have receive is
    Une erreur de type E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 127 du fichier /var/www/vhosts/handibusiness.fr/demo.handibusiness.fr/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-profiledata.php. Message d’erreur : Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25337

    Hi Johan,
    Please do report to them. They should be able to help.

    About the above error,

    It is coming from fetching of profile data for an invalid user(most probably). Can you provide the complete backtrace of the error. That can help me assist you quickly.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 41
    Linklusion on #25340

    Hi Brajesh

    That’s the only error I got
    I will do more testing and try to see why this problem happened, it happened after I installed Member Type PRO and set automatic role

    I have translated BuddyPress Deactivate Account in french, if you want to upload my translation you can include it in next update https://drive.google.com/open?id=1F–4JilOB-LTUWs4Hfj5kqv2HuWFFne7

    You can also have MEMBER TYPE PRO https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZztJKIbXfbaBr9FEO_bW-7uOf42sIY0M
    USER CONTACT FORM https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t53xLe9z4iU-oiIxKMdwu-BTf0iPtIdG

  • Participant
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    Posts: 41
    Linklusion on #25366

    Hi Brajesh

    Issue,was related to BuddyPress Auto Activate Autologin Redirect To Profile On Signup

    In spite of having this plugin activated, a user was set as Pending in the queue on users page

    After approval in plugin Registration Options, the user was activ and was in the list of users but it was also still in Pending
    When I tried to valide it in pending, it triggered the error message, probably because it was not pending any more.

    I made more testing, the pending status is now always empty

    Do you have a way to hide “pending” filter with BuddyPress Auto Activate Autologin Redirect To Profile On Signup ?
    This filter has no use any more when we use this plugin
    Screnehost https://prnt.sc/p829zy


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25400

    Hi Johan,
    Thank you for the update and the translations. I will add them in future release.

    For the conflict with BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login and the registration option. Do you want me to remove that option from the users screen or can you please tell me how will you like these two plugins to work together(the workflow).

    I may be able to add the compatibility.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 41
    Linklusion on #25452

    HI Brajesh

    I haven’t been able to reproduce this error ; now all users created are not pending, they are only pending approval in Buddypress Registration Options so they might not be ucompatibility between your plugin and registration optionss.

    Registration Options has a main flaw ; unapproved member appear in directory as soon as a user has a profile activated and connect.
    See this topic https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unapproved-members-appearing-in-directory/

    I have made a trick using role, at regsitration I give a role that is not in directory, this role will need to be changed manually at approval.

    1 – Is there any chance you can link the status “pending” from Buddypress to “pending approval” from Registration Options ?
    With BuddyPress Auto Activate Autologin Redirect To Profile On Signup, the status pending from Buddypress is not used any more but if Registrtaion Options is activated, a user would be pending, it would not be pending any more on approval in Registrtaion Options
    That would solve the issue of user included in directory even if pending approval on Registration Options

    2 – There are 2 messages on user profile after registration
    red at the top from Registration option : your profile is pending approval
    green under the picture : your account is activated
    Screenshot https://prnt.sc/pa484f

    Can you hide the green message with BuddyPress Auto Activate Autologin Redirect To Profile On Signup ?
    This plugin override account activation so the message confirming that account is activated has no reason to be



  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25468

    Hi Johan,
    Thank you for the details.

    1. I am not be able to offer support for those two plugin due to time constraints here.

    2. Sure, I will add a filter today to disable the message and update you.


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