

BuddyPress Deactivate Account member counter

  • Participant
    Joni Kaunismäki on #6856


    I just purchased your plugin BuddyPress Deactivate Account. After deactivating one account, I noticed the member counter on Members page still shows the amount of all users, despite of setting that one account as deactivated. The same goes with Friends page – if I’m friends with the deactivated user, the counter still shows “1” even though the friends list is empty.

    Also, is there a hook/action I could use to deactivate user’s account from another function?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #6861

    Hi Joni,
    Thank you for purchasing.

    I am sorry about the count issue.

    I will be updating the plugin tonight/tomorrow and fix the tottal issue on directory. I am sorry but I will be avoiding that on friends page. BuddyPress does not uses count from the current friends query, It stores statically the count and modifying that makes it extra queries.

    There are functions available for seting user account active/inactive

    //set the account of $user_id active
    bp_account_deactivator()->set_active( $user_id );
    //to set the account of $user_id inactive
    bp_account_deactivator()->set_inactive( $user_id );

    Hope that helps.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #6897

    Hi Again,
    The update is available now.

    It allows allows admins to set user status to active/deactive from front end too.

    Thank you

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