

BuddyPress Facebook Connect+

  • Participant
    Robert Hunt on #21645

    I’d like to buy this item.

    May I ask why it is deprecate?

    If I were to purchase this item, would it show all of the fields and data in the users buddypress profile?

    Is there further details images about the frontend of the profile after the plugin in working order?

    I would like to ressurect this plugin.

    Can we discuss this in private?

    Please contact me at my email address to discuss the matter.

    Kind regards.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24830
    Brajesh Singh on #21647

    Hi Robert,
    We deprecated it as the version of Facebook API we developed it is no longer available.

    The plugin will not work with current version of WordPress/BuddyPress or Facebook API.

    Thank you for your interest in resurrecting it, May I suggest an alternative though.


    If it does not server the purpose, Please let me know and we can proceed further to resurrect the facebook connect+

    Thank you

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