

BuddyPress Friends Suggestions based on existing friends, group memberships, …

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 11
    Didier on #45712


    Your plugin looks great but do plan to add the ability to suggest friends based on your existing friends (friends of friends).

    For example, if I’m friend with member A and Member A is friend with Member B. The plugin should suggest Member B to me.
    As a parameter, we should set the max level of friendship to consider (level 1 = friends of my friends, 2 = friends of friends of my friends, …).

    Another great enhancement could be to suggest members belonging to same groups or group type or number of groups in common (if we are both in a group, it probably means that we can connect each other).


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #45715

    Thank you for your interest in the plugin.

    We do want to add the functionality. The issue is we can not use multiple source in one instance of the widget.

    For example:- I consider xprofile matching as one source of user, Friends of Friends as another source of user and Group Members and another.

    These 3 sources are not related and there is not a well defined path for providing the list if we do not restrict the source.

    But 3 different instances of this widget can show suggested user’s from once source per widget. Will this kind of setup be helpful? we are not sure about this and that’s why this has not yet landed in the plugin.

    We do have a free plugin for Friends of Friends based suggestion.



  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 11
    Didier on #46153


    I do understand your point. For me, having 3 differents instance widgets is OK (beeing able to choose the source in the widget setting is also ok). It’s not perfect but at least, we can suggest friends to members…

    For the moment, xprofile fields are not suitable for suggesting friends to users.

    Kind regards

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