

[Resolved] BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Pro

  • Participant
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    Tosin on #32645


    Thanks for the awesome new plugin, I would just like to add some ideas and suggestion.

    1. Shortcode support – this will enable users to display the suggestions in any custom page for example (who to follow page) it would also be possible to display the suggestions in a popup e.g this popup plugin has support display rules for buddypress https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-popups-lite/

    It would also be awesome to add this shortcode to a page a new user is redirected to immediately after registration, this will help to build initial connections for new users based on profile similarities and interests

    2. Suggestions based of mutual follow and mutual friends like this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/mutual-buddies/

    What are your thoughts on this


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #32648

    Hi Tosin,
    Thank you for the sugegstions.

    1. Shortcode option:- It is planned. We skipped it in the first version due to design issue and people’s expectation about design. It will come in future.

    2. We already have a plugin for that


  • Participant
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    dave01 on #36278

    any update on this?

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    dave01 on #36281

    can someone show an example with the shortcode?

    cant get it to work on a page?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #36282

    Hi Dave,
    Thank you for the question.

    The shortcode offers following options

    type – ‘friends’ or ‘follow’. defaults to ‘friends’
    limit – Numeric value. defaults to 5
    rule – the rule id(check the id for the rule set page that you created earlier). This is required. Must be a valid rule set.

    user_id – optional. numeric user id for which we are going to show the suggestion. defaults to current logged user.


    [bp_friends_suggestions rule=32]

    I am assuming that 32 is the id of the rule set we have created. Please change it with yours.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 8
    dave01 on #36283

    Thanks for that. I cannot see a rule id. I can see something in the address bar when i am in edit mode of the rule iu,e


    will the id be 4364 ? so

    [bp_friends_suggestions rule=4364]?

    in addition i presume you have to have a type per your rules below?

    SO for example
    [bp_friends_suggestions rule=4364 type=”follow” limit=6]

    assuming the id type parameters are INT

    is this correct?

    examples on the suggestion pro download page would be helpful as mycred has done on the mycred balance page herehttps://codex.mycred.me/shortcodes/mycred_my_balance/

    user_id: Friends suggestions for targeted user.
    context: Possible values are logged_in, displayed. Default value logged_in.
    limit: How many suggestions to show.
    rule: Rule id to be applied.
    type: Suggestions type i.e. friends, follow. Default value friends

  • Participant
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    Posts: 8
    dave01 on #36284

    in addition the limit defaults to 5, when i change it to 3 it still shows 5? or if i change it to 10 it does not show 10, it still shows 5?

    am i doing something wrong, is there a way to override the default setting

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #36294

    Hi Dave,

    1. Yes, that’s the ID.
    2. Thank you for the suggestion. It looks great. We are working on to redo the docs and will certainly be having something similar.

    The result is cached for 1 hour with the rule id. So, if you change the count again, it won’t have any effect for 1 hour after the 1st list generation. The only time thee lists are re-generated if a user accepts/removes the suggestions or atleast 1 hour passes.


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