

BuddyPress Limit User Activity plugin

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Poofy on #6835


    hi. thank you for this useful plugin.

    i’ve some question , before i buy this plugin, and i’d be thankful if you answer .

    does this plugin support new version of buddypress and bbpress ?

    does this plugin also control the word usage/limitation for each reply/update/comment ?

    does this plugin support custom role?
    for example authors can post up to 5 updates and up to 500 words – comment up to 400 words
    users(subscribers), post update && comment up to 150 words.

    then does it support excluding users?
    for example authors can post updates up to 5 and 500 words – comment up to 400 words
    users post/comment up to 150 words.
    except user_ids: 20,82
    these three users can post updates up to 2, and each updates up to 300 words…
    comment up to 200 words
    user_id : 4
    this user can post update up to 19 per hour/day/month… and each updates up to 700 words…
    comment up to 500 words

    thank you very much .

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #6838

    Hi Poofy,
    Thank you for asking.

    1. Yes,
    2. No
    3. No, for number of updates, you can do it via filter. For words, there is no option
    4. Again, using filter, you can do that.

    Yes, there are option for settings up limit per minute(use minutes for hour, month etc).

    Hope that clarifies.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Poofy on #6863

    hi @sbrajesh
    thank you for your notice, and thanks for the answers.

    as this plugin name, is Limitation for buddypress activity,
    do you have any plans, to add above features (which i asked, and you said that they are not in this plugin)
    to next releases/updates of this plugin?

    thank you.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Poofy.

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