

BuddyPress Message Privacy. Remove some setting. Add function

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 95
    Maksim Rusakovich on #17234


    Thank you for your plugin.
    It’s working well, but not for regular users. Regular users can’t add blocked users with comma.

    1. Could you add block/unblock button to another user profile page?
    2. It will be great, if you can cooperate with BP Better Messages plugin
    3. Settings to remove Who can send you private messages. All users can send messages to each other. But user can block anyone anytime.
    4. User can see the blocked user list. He can link to blocked user link by pressing his name, and remove him from blocked list by pressing Cross icon

    Max R

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17235

    Hi Max,
    Thank you for using the plugin.

    1. How do we differentiate between using being blocked from viewing(there is a plugin for that) from just messaging.

    2. I will suggest to avoid using BP Better Message. Even if you have a moderately active community, it will kill the database. It has a very good UI but the implementation seems terrible on number of queries it causes.

    3,4. I am not sure I understand it. Please help me understand it better.

    PS:- We do add a button to block/unblock users on single message thread. If you are using normal BuddyPress message and view single message page, you will see a button to block/unblock the other user. User’s don’t need to manage the names list, they can simply use this feature. Please give it a try.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 95
    Maksim Rusakovich on #17237


    1. I mean add block/unblock button.
    2. I don’t know specification and implement of this plugin, but current message system is awful http://prntscr.com/kt55u7

    If you can make your plugin without unnecessary queries, I think, it will be very popular and I’ll be the first who purchase it.

    3. Need to see only 1 list: blocked users.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17249

    Hi Max,

    1. We do have block unblock on the message page. I will add an option to show the button on profile too. it should be simple enough. Please allow me a few days before I update this plugin.

    2. I agree with you on this. That’s the reason I used the Better message plugin and tested it for performance. I will need sometime before I can think of doing something similar(Have a few projects already lined up for now).

    3. I think what you are proposing will change the whole UI of this plugin. I do believe your idea is way better in terms of usability. Please allow me 1-2 week and I will have this feature.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 95
    Maksim Rusakovich on #17252

    Hello, Brajesh.

    Thank you for your work!
    You made great plugins, but we can improve them. =)

    Max R.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17253

    Thank you Max.

    I sincerely appreciate the valuable suggestion 🙂


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