

BuddyPress Moderation Tools Issue

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 4
    Avi Nayar on #55155

    Hi BuddyDev’s, I have run into an issue with your plugin BuddyPress Moderation Tools. The problem is as follows: When a user creates an activity post it uploads successfully and shows the “IN MODERATION” icon in highlighted yellow, which looks great but there is an issue. If you choose to refresh your page (as many users will, because they want to see if their post has been approved), the post just disappears completely! This is quite a big issue as it will take me at least 10 minutes or so to approve a post, and for that time the user will be very confused on where there post went as there is no way of viewing it at all after you refresh your screen. I think the simplest solution to this would just be to keep it in that form right after it has been posted (IN MODERATION tag underneath it) if that is possible. Please let me know how I can fix this problem! Thanks in advance.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #55161

    Hi Avi,
    Thank you for using the plugin. This is the expected behaviour.

    1. On activity creation(if auto moderation is enabled), we show the activity in moderation to inform user that their activity went into moderation.

    2. After that, the plugin does not show the content unless approved.

    The reason is BuddyPress has a huge eco-system and there are too many actions on the content that we can not control when the content is in moderation(e.g. edit activity, like etc) and we will need to address each issue individually. It makes a lot more sense to show the notice once and hide content on auto moderation than showing it and dealing with all the actions.

    Also, another technical reason was did not differentiate between auto moderation and reported items in our original implementation, so we can not show auto moderated but keep hiding the reported content. At the moment, there is no good solution to it due to original implementation.


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