

BuddyPress Non Editable Profile Fields… wrong about something…

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 60
    tangpage on #34255

    what if user login in with facebook, or other social media, the field that has been filled, and it’s non-editable,, it will not shown when first login with facebook…. please , check about this, and make it editable while first login with social media…

    Cheers, stay safe. 😉

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #34275

    Hi Kino,
    Thank you for the question.

    I am sorry but the editable profile field does not understand from where the value has been updated. I do not see any workaround(unless the social plugin adds a flag and we use this flag to the avoid forcing the rule). The problem with this approach is the plugin will loose generality. Also, we will need add a flag to social user profiles if they update.

    Overall, it is beyond what the plugin was created for and I very sorry that I am am unable to oblige with this request.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 60
    tangpage on #34298

    oh, no…. so sad… i believe you guy could find a way.. ; ) I have faith on you guys!!!! ; ) haha.

    anyway, thank you for your reply, have a wonderful day. ; )

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #34300

    Hi Kino,
    Thank you for your faith in us.
    Yes, It is possible to develop something like this but it is beyond what we want with this plugin. Making such change for allowing changes with a social plugin does not add much value and we are unable to spend our time on it.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Have a wonderful day to you to.


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