

Buddypress saving issue

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 21
    Axel on #24247

    WP Twenty Ninteen V:1.4
    BP 4.3.0 Nouveau

    Hi Brajesh, I have my site configured with @ in the username url, ie example.com/@username. This seems to work fine except for registration, when I update settings and xprofile fields. When I save the updates, the @ character is stripped from the username in the database (user_nicename) causing a 404 error. The user_login column in the database retains the @ and works correctly for logging in. Is there a solution for this? Thank you for any help!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #24315

    Hi Axel,
    I am sorry for the delayed reply. I am unable to understand it correctly.

    If possible, Please help me understand.

    Also, since BuddyPress uses’@’ for mentions, It might not be appropriate to use @ in the url.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 21
    Axel on #24328
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