

BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – deleting or hiding tab and content

  • Participant
    Level: Yogi
    Posts: 1117
    calu on #17378

    Hi there, I want to hide/delete the Profile visibility tab under settings.

    I have read and followed the instruction in ‘Modify the visibility and availability of the existing BuddyPress Profile Tab’ section which I assume is where to do this, even though there are no clear direction for how to delete a tab?

    It’s not logic creating a tab to delete an existing tab, I would be nice if all existing tabs were listed instead.

    I have named the slug ‘profile’ (from domain/members/trialeten/settings/profile/) and set the tab for and visibility for administrator only. (Why not have a ‘Hide for all’ option option?)

    The tab is still displayed.

    What is the idea of having both an ‘Add this tab for?’ and ‘Tab Visibility’ to med, the result seems the same which you use?





  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #17388

    Hi Carsten,
    Even though I agree that deleting a tab should not require you to create one, you should see it differently. You are not deleting a tab, just changing its visibility and availability. I don’t see any issue with creating an entry for that.

    For the question:- why not pre-populate the BuddyPress tabs entries. The actual profile tab can come from a lot of sources(BuddyPress, 3rd party plugins) and it is not guaranteed that all the tabs can be accessed from non profile page(You may not know if they existed based on how a plugin implements it).

    We do not want any confusion. It is way better to be more explicit and letting the uuser’s get confuse why some tab s are pre-populated and not others.

    Add Tab for:- On which user’s profile the tab will be visible. For example, you may only want to have Fiends tab enabled on Editors profile

    Visible For:- Who can see a tab when they visit someone’s profile. For example, Do you want a subscriber to see Friends tab if they visit an editors profile?

    They are not same. One enables a features for some user’s profile and second lets others see it or not see it. Yes, in a few selected cases(specially when a tab/sub tab is private), they will serve same purpose.

    Hope that clarifies.


  • Participant
    Level: Yogi
    Posts: 1117
    calu on #17392

    Hi Brajesh, thanks for the clarification.

    Do you have any clues to, why the tab is still visible with the settings I have made?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #17394

    Please use the exact same configuration as below

    It will remove for all users except the admin. I am considering adding an option to remove it independent of the role in future.


    For sub nav


    That’s will do it.


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