

buddypress-user-profile-tabs-creator-pro slug

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 7
    Bastiaan Bosch on #33723

    Hello support forum,

    Using buddypress-user-profile-tabs-creator-pro, I created an extra TAB “my-events-dashboard”

    And crated a Page “my-events-dashboard” slug = my-events-dashboard

    The page contains a shortcode of the Modern Events Calendar (MEC),
    Showing the MEC dashboard of the tickets and events the user had bought.

    I want that the Tickets and Events become visible under the buddypress-user-profile
    new TAB “my-events-dashboard”

    BUT since the BBpress-member dashboard slug is domain.com/members/user/~

    And the Page “my-events-dashboard” slug = my-events-dashboard Result=domain.com/my-events-dashboard
    It re-directs to the page, away from the buddypress-user-profile-menu

    How can I set “my-events-dashboard” TAB settings?
    That the Tab will show the MEC dashboard with tickets and events the user had bought?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #33726

    Hi Bastiaan,
    Thank you for using the plugin.

    To add the shortcode as tab, Please follow these steps and let me knwo if it works for you or not.

    1. Create a tab, put any slug for it(say even-dashboard)
    2. Add a sub tab to it
    3. Put the shortcode as the content of this sub tab.
    4. publish the tab
    5. Now visit the profile and check if the shortcode work or not?


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