

Buddypress user registration moderation

  • Participant
    Louis Beau on #29494


    I’m looking for a simple way to moderate user registration to my Buddypress powered site. Your plugin has tons of features I don’t need.

    Any simple solution to accept or deny a user ?

    This should not require accessing the site admin account!


    If this does not exist in your portfolio, send me a quote for custom development.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24433
    Brajesh Singh on #29511

    Hi Louis,
    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    We don’t have a plugin for this.
    There is a plugin available which may suits your need


    Will you be able to use it or need custom solution? Also, if it does not need to access site admin, how do you want to approve the users?


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