

BuddyPress with WooCommerce and BuddyCommerce – Settings for "Theme My Login"

  • Participant
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    Posts: 1
    wbonadmin on #24358

    I am using Member Types Pro & Buddy Commerce with WooCommerce Memberships (all latest versions).
    I am currently using “Theme My Login” to support front-end login that matches my site style and to keep users out of the standard WordPress log-in.
    I want to be sure they are properly integrated so that I don’t set up confusing registrations/log-ins

    I have created a “free” membership plan in WC that grants access on user account registration.
    I also have other paid membership plans that grant or upgrade access with product/membership purchase).

    My question is about log-in and Registration, and the proper settings to direct users to the right log-in/register functions.
    I want to use a single log-in and Registration. Ideally through WooCommerce (unless this is not recommended)

    BuddyPress settings (Settings–>BuddyPress–>Pages) has settings to “Associate WordPress Pages with the following BuddyPress Registration pages” for “Register” (slug: register) Should I set this to Woo Commerce my account page?
    “Activate” (slug: activate) What should this setting be (WooCommerce “free membership” auto activates, and sends a password to the user).

    BuddyCommerce settings (Settings –>BuddyCommerce –>WooCommerce Account Pages)
    Redirect “Redirect WooCommerce My Account page to BuddyPress Profile Page is checked.

    Theme My Login settings says: “The slugs defined here will be used to generate the URL to the corresponding action. You can see this URL below the slug field. If you would like to use pages for these actions, simply make sure the slug for the action below matches the slug of the page you would like to use for that action.”
    Current setup:
    “Log In” (slug: login) Should this be set to the WooCommerce customer-log-in or my-account? or?
    “Log Out” (slug: logout)
    “Register” (slug: register) This points to BP Register Page listed above I believe.
    “Lost Password” (slug: lostpassword) Should this go to WooCommerce my-account-lost-password
    “Reset Password” (slug:resetpass)

    WooCommerce (WooCommerce –>Settings –>Advanced–>Page Setup)
    Has a “My Account” Page (with shortcode for woocommerce_my_account) that takes the user to the WooCommerce Account Tab in the BuddyPress Profile (which is what I want it to do) if the user is logged in; and to a log-in or register form if the user is not logged in.
    Also has Account endpoints – “Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions on the accounts pages. They should be unique and can be left blank to disable the endpoint.”
    “Lost password” (lost-password)
    “Logout” (customer-logout)

    Thank you.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24778
    Brajesh Singh on #24362

    Thank you for the topic and the questions.

    Since you are using BuddyPress as well as WooCommerce, you have 2 registrations pages.

    The Options you see in BuddyPress->Pages is for BuddyPress registration/Activation. You should not set that to WooCommerce Register etc.

    BuddyPress normally takes over the registration. This will be good if you need extra profile fields.
    The problem with it is people won’t be able to buy subscription from BuddyPress registration page.

    You may be able to use WooCommerce registration if you want, In that case, I won’t suggest assigning any page to BuddyPress Register/Activation.

    Please feel free to configure theme my login as you need, It won’t have any effect on the registration/activation process.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    wbonadmin on #24375

    Brajesh, thank you for your response.

    RE: extra profile fields, I do have extra profile fields, but they don’t need to be filled in at registration.
    I do want to be sure that using WooCommerce for registration won’t impact the integration between BP and WooCommerce. The WC info on orders, membrship, subscriptions will still be part of the profile, right?

    If a user makes a purchase through WooCommerce, will this automatically create a profile in BuddyPress, assuming I have the integration set up properly. That’s a part of what BuddyCommerce does, right — the two-way integration.

    And, if I don’t assign any pages to BuddyPress Registration/Activation, it is ok to ignore this warning: “The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair”

    I also want to be certain that I am not opening up some kind of unanticipated security/spam vulnerability. Is there anything I should be concerned about with this kind of set-up — Using WooCommerce for registration

    I have some additional figuring and checking to do re: Member types, etc — so I am sure I will be back with more questions.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24778
    Brajesh Singh on #24398

    Thank you for the reply.

    1. RE: extra profile fields, I do have extra profile fields, but they don’t need to be filled in at registration.

    Yes. They can be filled on edit profile page later.


    I do want to be sure that using WooCommerce for registration won’t impact the integration between BP and WooCommerce. The WC info on orders, membrship, subscriptions will still be part of the profile, right?

    Using BuddyCommerce, all these will be available on profile.


    If a user makes a purchase through WooCommerce, will this automatically create a profile in BuddyPress, assuming I have the integration set up properly. That’s a part of what BuddyCommerce does, right — the two-way integration.

    You don’t need BuddyCommerce for it. It will work without BuddyCommerce too. BuddyPress will create profile for all registered members who have active account irrespective of the registration method.

    BuddyCommerce helps you show the purchase related information to user on their profile.


    And, if I don’t assign any pages to BuddyPress Registration/Activation, it is ok to ignore this warning: “The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair

    We do need to test if it causes any issue in accessing the WooCommerec registration page(effect of link filtering).

    I will test it tomorrow, if you do it before, Please do let me know.

    Do not worry about the spam. The preventive methods will have similar effect using BuddyPress/WooCommerce.

    Please feel free to post your question in forums. We will be glad to assist you in any way possible.


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