

BuddyPress Xprofile: Custom Field Types

  • Participant
    surferchick on #35433

    Good Morning

    Is it possible to create a custom field that has several cells

    For example, i want students to list their exam results

    They would have to enter: YEAR, NAME OF COURSE, RESULT

    We have the Profile Field Repeater plugin installed, hence they would just keep adding a new line for each course result


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #35451

    Thank you for the question.

    At the moment, the BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field TYpes plugin does not offer such a field. You will need to extend BuddyPress Profile Field Type and create it on your own.
    You will most probably need to serialize and store the details.


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