

BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields not showing up in BuddyBoss Profile Search

  • Participant
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    Brandon Briscoe on #36226

    I am using the BuddyBoss platform and theme, and the BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types plugin. When trying to add fields from the Custom Field Types plugin to the BuddyBoss Profile Search, they are not available – not there. I referenced a similar forum support post and I see that search capability for the Birthdate Selector field should be available. I am trying to use the Birthday/Age field specifically, and make ages searchable in BuddyBoss Profile Search on the member directory. There seems to be a compatibility issue here.

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #36241

    Hello Brandon,

    I have checked and yes it is seems to be a compatibility issue with BuddyBoss profile search module. We will look into the issue and let you know.


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    Brandon Briscoe on #36299

    Ok, thank you for the update Ravi – I’ll be standing by.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #36310

    Hi Brandon,
    Thank you for the patience.
    We are hoping to release an update mid next week to add compatibility.


  • Participant
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    Brandon Briscoe on #36312

    Great, thank you!

  • Participant
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    Brandon Briscoe on #36615

    Hi Brajesh, just checking in on the status of getting Xprofile Custom Field Types updated so that I can add Age (Birthdate Selector) to my Buddyboss search. I still don’t see the Xprofile custom fields available in Buddyboss profile search options. Thank you.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #36627

    Hi Brandon,
    I am sorry, I could not work on the compatibility. i will do so over the weekend and push the update. Will be writing back after that.


  • Participant
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    Brandon Briscoe on #36652

    Great, thank you.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #36817

    Hi Brandon,
    My apology for not pushing the update earlier.

    Please upgrade to 1.1.9 and the fields will be supported in BuddyBoss Profile search.


  • Participant
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    Brandon Briscoe on #37063

    Hi Brajesh, thank you – I see the fields are now available in the Profile Search options in BuddyBoss. However, the format available for the search isn’t really usable for my purposes. The Birthdate Selector field has the advantage of being able to present members’ ages, not raw birthdates. For search, I need the same capability – search based on a range of ages, but unfortunately, that’s not the way it’s working now. To further aggravate the issue, even if I did concede to searching based on birthdate ranges, it’s forcing the user to have to select a day and month and year, otherwise it returns no results – this is not useable in my opinion. Are you willing to update this so a user can both easily see member ages and easily search for age ranges?

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