

Build Requirements – Is BuddyPress the correct option

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Tina Walker on #25540

    I have some requirements for a Community program, and I wonder if all these are possible with BuddyPress.

    (1). We want to be able to create a large number of groups, we are only going to allow appx 20 people in each group. So at that point registration for that group needs to clstose.
    (2) These groups will be private for those 20 members. They are not open for others to join nor can other groups see what is discussed in that group. Prefer that the other groups don’t show if possible, at minimum – a note that they can’t access that group.
    (3) From admin – we want admin to be able to post a message in bulk to all groups or to selected groups in admin
    (4) User needs to be able to shut off or turn on email notification.
    (5) We don’t want the number of people to show for their group during registration for it.
    (6) We do not want them to see admin in the groups. They want to respond and ask questions to admin, when we want them to use our ticketing system.
    (7) During registration we want to offer a the groups in a dropdown – but once it hits the maximum number, it will show as closed and they can’t select it to be a user in it.

    Are these items possible with BuddyPress and Premium Plugins? If so, any help on those plugins I need to be looking at would be fabulous.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #25545

    Hi Tina,
    Thank you for the question.

    BuddyPress is a very good and suitable choice for your project.

    All you need is hidden BuddyPress groups. It satisfies all the above requirements except:-

    (3.) From admin – we want admin to be able to post a message in bulk to all groups or to selected groups in admin –
    Not yet available. Will need to be custom developed.

    (6) We do not want them to see admin in the groups. They want to respond and ask questions to admin, when we want them to use our ticketing system.

    Minor change in template needed. It is easy

    (7) During registration we want to offer a the groups in a dropdown – but once it hits the maximum number, it will show as closed and they can’t select it to be a user in it.

    I do not see a direct solution for this case. There are options available to allow selecting groups but not limiting the count. You will need someone to develop it.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Tina Walker on #25568

    Thank you . Brajesh . –

    Can you make any recommendations on where I might look for quality Buddypress custom developers?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #25580

    Hi Tina,
    Thank you.

    You may use Upwork, Codeable or our development services for the same.


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