

Can the BuddyPress Extended User Groups display on blog front-end

  • Participant
    Kathy Goss on #6279

    Hi, I have a multisite with BuddyPress network activated. Our subsites are created with a blog template that includes courses that the site provides. I believe that our subsites would like to create groups for each of their classes. I tried the BP MultiNetwork plugin which solves the site groups but since we also use xProfile fields for the site registration, the Profile disconnection. So now I’ve deactivated the BP MultiNetwork.

    What I would like is a front-end widget that will list the Groups created by the site admin.
    I looked at the BuddyPress Extended User Groups but that appears to work on the profile page rather than the subsite blog front end.

    I also see that you have a BuddyPress Profile Widget for Blogs.

    Would any of these plugins provide for a way to list the associated groups of a blog admin on the front-end?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #6282

    It is possible to extend the BuddyPress Extended User Groups and list the groups. I am forwarding the request to my team.

    We should be able to put it around the mid week.

    Thank you

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