

Cant see memberpress / buddypress page content

  • Participant
    ClaireMoore on #50657

    I have created an establshed memberpress site and added buddy press to add community features and the buddy press pages arent showing any content – can someone please help me understand why and fix the probelm

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #50664

    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.

    There are 2 possible reasons:-

    1. MemberPress applying restrictions on BuddyPress page
    2. Or BuddyPress page not being configured.

    My expectation is the first case. Try disabling MemberPress BuddyPress integration(if you have it enabled) and then taking a look at the BuddyPress directory pages to see if there are still any restrictions applied.

    If that still does not work, I will suggest approaching MemberPress support.


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