

Change Profile to Public Profile Visibility PMPRO and field issues

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 16
    Kim Hargis on #52924

    Hi, I just bought BuddyPress Profile Visibility For PMPRO and I have plugin BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager.

    1. Is there a way an admin can change a person’s profile to public for them? Some of my users are not showing in the member directory and they should be.

    2. When a user goes to their profile under setting > tab “Profile Visibility Settings” the person can’t change any of these (see below example). I see how some setting changed under setting < tab “Profile Privacy” but I thought they could change the fields in “Profile Visibility Settings”. Have I get a setting to allow this wrong? I though the visibility would be pull down windows.

    Profile Questions Visibility
    Name Everyone
    Primary Contact Name Only Me
    Primary Contact Email Only Me
    Contact Phone Number Only Me
    Gender My Friends
    Birthdate My Friends

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52931

    Hi Kim,
    Thank you for the post.

    1. Please use User Switching plugin to switch as user and update their preference.


    2. These are not our settings. These are the profile field data visibility settings. You can control it from Dashboard->Users->Profile Fields. You can allow users to change visibility by editing individual fields in the backend(and selecting the option to allow user change visibility).

    Hope that helps.


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