

Change Slug from mediapress/wall-photo-gallery


  • Participant
    Rene from VGT on #51680

    Hello everyone,
    at the moment my URL looks like this when someone comments on my pictures

    I would like to change this, the users have the possibility to comment on all pictures in the activity feed, but I don’t want to get to this slug via the notification, it would be better to be referred to the activity.

    Is there a way to configure this?

    Best regards from Germany

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #51686

    Hi Rene,
    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.

    I am sorry, at the moment, the comment notifications has no knowledge if they were made from activity or the single gallery/media page. We are not storing the activity id with the notifications. So, it is not feasible to link directly to the activity currently.

    We did this way as the the initial version of MediaPress, there were too many complaints of confusing comment locations/context.

    We will explore and hopefully be able to provide an option in future version for this to switch but it won’t be available any time soon.

    I am sorry that we are not able to assist you with this request.


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