

[Resolved] Check if there is a translation issue of plugin BuddyPress Ajax Registration

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 108
    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #18041

    I found a missing “” tag of the following string, see screenshot but do not know if it comes to an error https://www.screencast.com/t/1Yw0bjXatS

    The tag isn’t present on orignal string.

    Best regards,

    PS: Will send you the formal German translation files

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #18044

    Hello Thorsten,

    Thank you for posting. As per sreenshot there will be no errors and code will work fine. You can use this.

    Thank you for the translations


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 108
    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #18045

    Great, thank you Ravi. I’m seeing that my code </a> wasn’t backticked.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #18049

    Hi Thorsten,
    is is resolved or do you still have issues?

    Thank you

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