Tagged: activity feed, Buddy Press, buddydev, buddypress, BuddyPress activity, Buddypress Groups, feed, idea, new-plugin, social media, wordpress
While using BuddyPress and testing it out I noticed something. Users that are not part of a group cannot comment on posts from said group. While I don’t want users to be able to make activity posts for groups that they are not apart of, I do want them to be able to comment on said groups posts even if they are not in this said group. So, is there a plugin or a simple fix within BuddyPress’s settings that I can do to make this happen? Thanks in advance for a response!
Hi Avi,
BuddyPress does limit it for group.You can override and remove any comment restrictions(for all activities) using the following code
add_filter( 'bp_activity_can_comment', '__return_true', 100 );
BrajeshHi Avi,
You can out it in your child theme’s functions.php or in a new file wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.phpRegards
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