

Compatibility with Vikinger Theme

  • Participant
    Denney on #49043

    Are any of the plugin’s compatible with the Vikinger theme? I know before they wasn’t because there were no hooks however now Odin has updated the theme with hooks here: https://odindesignthemes.com/vikingerthemedocs/hooks/

    Let me know if this would make your plugins compatible as there are a few plugins I want to purchase.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #49046

    Hi Denney,
    Thank you for your interest in our plugins.

    We don’t have access to current version of vikinger, so we are unable to confirm the compatibility status.
    The last time we tested it for a client(around an year ago), It had too many hard coding and we could not make our plugins compatible.

    I am very sorry, we are unable to provide you the compatibility details for this theme.


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