

Conditional Profile Fields Plugin – By Profile Type

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 57
    Tony on #31485

    Hi Brajesh –

    I wanted to ask if you’ve looked into what it would take to display fields conditionally based on the user’s logged in user’s profile type.

    I am using Buddyboss and would like to show certain fields only to certain profile types.

    So, for example I want a member with the “Coach” profile type to see fields on the profile of Athlete X (or any athlete), but I don’t want a member with the “Athlete” profile to see those same fields (even if they are assigned to “all members”). In other words, some fields are visible between coaches and athletes, but not between athletes.

    Right now all your conditional field functionality is based on the profile properties of the logged in user.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #31526

    Hi Tony,
    Thank you for the question.

    What you are explaining seems more like a field visibility than conditional field. The conditional fields deal with availability of the field for updating data.

    We haven’t explored but but I believe it should be doable with custom code.


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