Hey there any update to this? I could really use it as my customer has been trying to achieve this for a while and iv been able to do it for them. i appreciate your help a ton either way… user insights is useless but i continue to reachout to them appreciate your help
Hi Ethan,
Please add the following codeadd_filter( 'usin_user_db_data', function ( $user ) { $field_id = '25'; $field_name = "bxp_$field_id"; if ( isset( $user->{$field_name} ) ) { $user->{$field_name} = xprofile_get_field_data( $field_id, $user->ID ); } return $user; } );
Please make sure to change field id.
Let me know if it works for you or not?
BrajeshSo this works but we cannot search for the age it just shows it now :P. I keep submitting through your website for custom development to have this work the way i want it but i never get an email back can I pay you guys to help me sort this out?
Hi Ethan,
Thank you for confirming.At BuddyDev we are glad to take over projects related to BuddyPress. In your case, You need assistance with Userinsight. We can look into it and fix for you but we don’t have expertise with Userinsight so we are unable to justify the time needed/provide a fix estimate. If that is fine with you, Please let me know and I will get back.
BrajeshHi Ethan,
Thank you.
I have mailed you now.Regards
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