Hi there, take a look at this screen shot of the activity screen:
notice the odd behavior of the ´span.count´ in the activity navigation bar when the page is refreshed. When I deactivate all my css, there are no counters. Are there supposed to be counters in the activity navigation?
Any idea what is happening here?
CarstenHi Carsten,
There is a conflict with your theme.It seems some kind of media query is affecting that. Does your theme support BuddyPress? If yes, Please reach out to them for support.
BrajeshHi Carsten,
You are welcome.
Yes, there are counters(span) in ac activity but BuddyPress hides them using css. Your theme should have it hidden too.Regards
BrajeshHi Carsten,
the only reason it seems to be there to have the consistency in the generated markup of the directory tabs.To be honest, BuddyPresds only shows the markup for the count but there is no actual count of activity(as of now).
BrajeshYou are welcome.
I don’t think you should disable the tab just for a minor issue like this. It will only need a 1-2 line css fix but the actual code is theme dependent.
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