Hi there!
I ma sorry but cannot reply to prevuous topic titled Add friend button does not appare.
You provided me code and I put this into function file of child template.
Now I need CSS as you wrote.
The code I choos is‘ // after activity header actions(first line).
add_action( ‘bp_get_activity_action’, function ( $action ) {if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return $action;
}return $action . bp_get_add_friend_button( bp_get_activity_user_id() );
} ); ‘
As far as I understand thsi should appare on the right of …all members, my friends, etc….
Thank you for your help.
GianlucaHello Gianluca,
Please take look at the screenshot and let me know Are you referring to this position?
RaviPlease hold on.
The goal of the above code is to add the “Add Friends” button on each activity card(Individual activity entry).
It can be moved to the right of that card. will that work?
Sorry, for the delaye.Please add the following css to Dasboard->Appearance->Customize->Additional CSs
.activity-header { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-flow: row wrap; } .activity-header .generic-button a { border: 1px solid #333; margin-left: 1em; }
That should make it slightly better.
BrajeshHi there! and thanks.
CSS code has been added as you explained but I see no changes.
Where shoukld it appare?
GianlucaHi Gianluca,
The above css should put the Add friends button on same line as header for larger screen. For smaller screen, It won’t have any effect as the button will be on the second line.Regards
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