Hi there,
Awesome work that you’re doing here!
I am a bit of a noob when it comes to custom code, so please bare with me, I need some help.
I would like to change the field “blog” to another word, and I would also like to create a sub-menu of site categories under the user’s blog field.
Also, how would I change certain fields in BuddyPress? For example, instead of “New Post” I want to change it to “Publish” and so forth.
Best regards
Hi Skryfnet,
Welcome to Buddydev. If You are familiar with translation you can modify it from the .po file and use the following code in you bp-custom.php file to list the site categories
function buddydev_site_categories_tab() { $bp = buddypress(); $user_url = bp_loggedin_user_domain(); bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( 'name' => __('Site Categories'), 'slug' => 'categories', 'parent_url' => trailingslashit( $user_url . $bp->buddyblog->slug ), 'parent_slug' => $bp->buddyblog->slug, 'screen_function' => 'buddydev_screen_site_categories', 'position' => 30, ) ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'buddydev_site_categories_tab', 100 ); function buddydev_screen_site_categories() { add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'buddydev_render_site_categories_content' ); bp_core_load_template( array( 'members/single/plugins' ) ); } function buddydev_render_site_categories_content() { wp_list_categories(array( 'hide_empty' => false )); }
Thank You
RaviHi there! Thank you for the help. However, I copied the above code into the file, yet nothing appeared to have happened. Could I have done something wrong?
For example, when the user hovers over the “blog” field (added by BuddyBlog) I need a drop down list of the word press categories to appear, or a submenu of categories, so that when the user creates a “new post” that post will not only appear on the wordpress main site, but also as a link under the correct category in the “blog” field
With regards to .po files, I can’t seem to find the correct place to change the field “blog” that was added by BoddyBlog to a custom word “skryfwerk” which is ducth for “written work.”
Hope it is not to much to ask, I am still in the learning process.
Much appreciated
Hi there, I have tried it a few times, here is the complete code. Am I doing it right?
<?php function buddydev_site_categories_tab() { $bp = buddypress(); $user_url = bp_loggedin_user_domain(); bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( 'name' => __('Site Categories'), 'slug' => 'categories', 'parent_url' => trailingslashit( $user_url . $bp->buddyblog->slug ), 'parent_slug' => $bp->buddyblog->slug, 'screen_function' => 'buddydev_screen_site_categories', 'position' => 30, ) ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'buddydev_site_categories_tab', 100 ); function buddydev_screen_site_categories() { add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'buddydev_render_site_categories_content' ); bp_core_load_template( array( 'members/single/plugins' ) ); } function buddydev_render_site_categories_content() { wp_list_categories(array( 'hide_empty' => false )); } ?>
Thank you for your patience
Excuse me, the above code is working now, though not as I had anticipated (in a drop menu) but it would definitely do for now! Thanks a lot.
It seems the issue now, for me is translating, as the code is in conflict with the site language. I will move that question to a new post.
Thanks a lot for your patience and help.
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