

Customize the Post look and Blog Thread.

  • Participant
    Brendan on #6985


    I am wondering how do we customize the look of the post as it does not look good on my site. I would also like to know how can we change the name of the tab from Blog to another one and last of all is there a way where we can categorize posts. For instance.

    My user creates a post about their house and they want to create another post about it again at a later date, how can we have it in a selected thread or category a bit like a forum.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #6994

    Hi Brendan
    Is is related to BuddyBlog?
    If yes, you can copy the template files from plugin/buddyblogs/template/buddyblog to yourtheme/buddyblog and modify the files as you wish.

    The buddyblog posts are just the normal posts, so If you have done the categorization for normal posts, you can apply the same there.

    Hope that helps.


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