Tagged: counter
Hi Arslan,
Thank you for using MediaPress.I am sorry, we don’t have anything for this.
Since MediaPress media is attachment, you can use (mpp_is_single_media(), mpp_get_media()) to access the details and store the view counts in meta and then show it where you please.
BrajeshYou probably didn’t understand me. I mean the count of downloaded media files of users.
The plugin has a counter function mpp_get_media_count
For example, the “My Audio” counter can be made like this by passing the necessary arguments to it:
function agni_user_my_audio_count() {
$total_uploaded_audio = mpp_get_media_count(array(
‘component_id’ => bp_displayed_user_id(),
‘component’ => ‘members’,
‘type’ => ‘audio’,
‘status’ => ‘public’
) );echo $total_uploaded_audio;
}In this way, you can show the counters of photos, videos, files, and audio recordings.
Hi Arslan,
Thank you for the reply.I am sorry, MediaPress does not count number of downloads or number of views currently.
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