

DIVI and BuddyBlog compatibility

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    dm484 on #34610

    I used to use DIVI to edit my blog posts because DIVI provides better design and styling functions. After I installed BuddyBlog, I was unable to use DIVI visual builder any more. Is there any solution to this, such as allowing DIVI in BuddyBlog? I am using the latest version of WordPress, DIVI, BuddyPress, and BuddyBlog. Thanks.

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    dm484 on #34616

    I sent the post. Just add more info so that you can see what it means:

    Could you help me add a custom CSS code so that only administrator can use DIVI to edit posts while users can use classic editor to edit their posts? I think the problem is because both administrator (me) and BuddyBlog users are allowed to write posts, which probably disables DIVI’s full functionality.

    For example, if I try to use DIVI builder to write a post, now I see codes like this. Before I installed BuddyBlog, it will lead me directly to DIVI builder (now if I enable visual DIVI builder, nothing happens; in the past, it should let me edit posts directly under DIVI) — IF I DEACTIVATE BUDDYBLOG, EVERYTHING IS BACK TO NORMAL (that is, I can use DIVI to do editing or create new posts):

    <!– wp:divi/placeholder –>
    [et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text][/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
    <!– /wp:divi/placeholder –>

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #34625

    Thank you for the questions and reporting the issue.

    If you edit from dashboard of WordPress(posts list), BuddyBlog will not filter edit link and you can use the Divi editor as usual.

    The issue you are seeing is because you are editing one of the post created by divi in BuddyBlog. BuddyBlog uses classic editor and you should not edit any DIVI created post in it.

    These two will have no issues if you use the edit link from Dashboard for editing with Divi and use front end for non divi post.

    In the fture version I am adding role based option to disallow filtering of links for admin.


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    dm484 on #34633

    Thanks. I tried that. The problem is that it still leads me to buddyblog even if I select new post from the dashboard. Any other way to fix it? Will your coming BuddyBlog Pro version fix it? When will the Pro version ve available?

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    dm484 on #34635

    I double checked this. It is clearer that BuddyBlog and DIVI are not compatible. If I deactivate BuddyBlog, DIVI works fine in creating DIVI-based posts. But if I enable BuddyBlog, it seems that BuddyBlog automatically disables DIVI’s functionality in creating/editing posts. Is there any way that BuddyBlog, which uses classic editor, allows DIVI to do its job? Thanks.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #34659

    I will check it with Divi by tomorrow and get back to you.. BuddyBlog pro should not have such issue as you can turn of front end creation based on roles. The Pro will be available within next 7 days(We are working on the docs and hope to release it this week itself).


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    dm484 on #34660

    Thanks for the reply (and the response to my other post). Is there any way that I can only allow non-logged in users view excerpts of the posts on the site? If they log in, they can see the full content.

    I have a blog page using DIVI and it has two sections: posts by me and posts by users. For both types of posts, I only want non-logged in users to view excerpts. If they have logged in, they can click on the title and see full content.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #34672

    Can you please visit BuddyBlog settings and disable show posts on profile setting. set it to no. Please let me know if that fixes this issue. It will cause the single posts to be not visible on profile though.


  • Participant
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    dm484 on #34674

    Yes, it works! May I know why the problem occurred? And, is BuddyBlog Pro available now?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #34691

    The problem was Divi and other pages builder use the single article page on front end for editing. They expect certain structure as well as query state. When BUddyBlog filtered the single permalink page to profile, they were not able to find that structure/query state and that caused it.

    Thank you for your interest in BuddyBlog Pro, we are releasing it around 1st – 3rd January. We are working on our plugin page as well as docs before going live.


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