

Editing Mediapress theme template for admin/templates/gallery files

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 13
    Christian W Zagarskas on #25273

    We are familiar with how to edit the templates in the following way:
    adding – mediapress/default/gallery/manage/edit-media.php

    However, in the situation where the ADMIN panel also needs to be modified
    how can we override these: admin/templates/gallery/edit-media.php

    Simply adding those folders into the theme is not enough.

    Are we to assume there is no way to modify the admin/templates/gallery PHP files?
    If so, are the only options available to use the template hooks?

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 13
    Christian W Zagarskas on #25274

    I was looking around in class-mpp-admin-post-helper.php and found this:

      class MPP_Admin_Post_Helper
       private function __construct ()
       $this->template_dir = mediapress()->get_path() . 'admin/templates/';

    So, seems there is no way to set this directory to use the theme…

    Can we have a future release where we define a constant, like this?

    For example:

     define( 'MPP_GALLERY_SLUG', 'my_custom_slug'); // works great 
      define( 'MPP_ADMIN_TEMPLATE_DIR', '/mytheme/mediapress/admin'); // new feature

    (Unless there is a way to modify the admin/templates/gallery PHP files that I can not see here)

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25280

    Hi Christian,

    Thank you for the suggestion.
    Sure, we can make it overridable in future release.


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