

Error for Buddypress Member Types Pro

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Bethany Nash on #10614

    I keep getting this error, even though I definitely have 3 buddypress member types.

    “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/sitemin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-member-types-pro/core/class-bpmtp-member-types-pro-hooks.php on line 293”/

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Bethany Nash on #10615


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24850
    Brajesh Singh on #10616

    Hi Bethany,
    My apologies for the issue.

    Can you please provide me a little more details:-

    1. Is it a multisite install?
    2. If yes, Is the member type plugin network active?
    3. Did you upgrade from the member type generator?
    4. Have you registered any member type via code?

    Please let me know and I will assist you promptly.

    Thank you

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