

export data of users within a specific group

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 153
    Talia B on #42826

    i am tryig to find a way to export data of users within a specific group.
    i saw this plugin:


    but it will export all my users data (i have about 6000 users which can be a “heavy” function to run? and many data i dont need)

    i just need to export by a specific group.

    can someone give me a hand how to do so ?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #42836

    Thank you for the question.
    I had a look at that plugin.

    It does not offer a hook to allow filtering the users list as custom user ids.

    You can still override that plugin’s get_user_id_list() and return the group member count(there is a flag) and the group member ids and it will export for that specific group.

    Are you comfortable with php? I am not seeing a ready to use solution currently.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 153
    Talia B on #42843

    thank u so much!
    i am a begginer developer , any chance u provide my with such function ?
    i dont need to count members , just want to give the group id (even hardcoded) and gets the information for that groups’ members only.

    should i replace the function inside a file in the plugin itself?
    or to copy a file to another path and edit ?

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