

[Resolved] First member type field cancels the second in registration

  • Participant
    Level: Yogi
    Posts: 1117
    calu on #46316

    Hi there, at registration level, I want users to fill own membertype and the membertype they are looking for.

    1. Field: I am a: MAN

    2. Field: Looking for a: WOMAN

    The problem is that the first field cancels the second field, so the user in this case ends up as registrering as an Woman even though he is a Man.

    In the case of defining own gender, I am a MAN,
    I use a drop down select box with my two member types.

    To define the gender, the user is looking for, Looking for a WOMAN,
    I use Single Member Type field.

    I belived that using two different field types to define genders, it would work, but it dosn’t.

    How do I get around this issue?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24850
    Brajesh Singh on #46324

    Hi Carsten,
    The member types fields are not supposed to manage the above use case.

    We have recommended against using multiple member type field and you should try to convert this scenerio into using only one fields.

    The problem with having multiple field is the plugin does not understand the intention and the fields will overwrite each other.


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