

[Resolved] Generic Activity URL Needed

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    The Mislabeled Specimen on #45147

    First of all, I just download Community Activity on Profile plugin and it works great 🙂

    I just need one more thing. I have apps for both Android and Apple for my website, themislabeledspecimen.com. With the Community Activity plugin installed, is there a way to have a generic url point to the activity feed for the user if logged in?

    For example:

    The URL above points to the activity feed of the user, “mislabeled”. If I have a user named johndoe, it will have to go to https://themislabeledspecimen.com/members/johndoe/.

    I need the username to be a variable for the current user logged in. Is this possible? Thanks!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #45148

    Welcome to BuddyDev.
    You can use the following url


    The ‘me’ will be automatically replaced by the current member.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    The Mislabeled Specimen on #45152

    Wow this is EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you very much 🙂

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #45167

    You are welcome.

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