

Hidden Profile Shows when Ordered by Alphabetical

  • Participant
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    Charles Lewis on #14919


    Profiles which are successfully hidden in the member directory, show when changing the Order By dropdown to Alphabetical.

    Changing back to Latest Activity or Newest Registered hides the profiles correctly again.

    This defeats the whole point of having this plugin.

    A less critical issue is that the All Members count shows the total number of members rather than the total number of members that have specified visible profiles. The challenge with this part is the directory member count does not correlate with those records actually displayed in the list.

    Please can you assist.

    Wordpress: 4.9.5
    BuddyPress: 2.9.4
    BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager: 1.5.6

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Ravi on #14922

    Hello Charles,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please share the screenshot of your admin settings. If you allowed override by user. Please share that as well so that I can reflect those settings into my settings on local server and can assists you.

    You can use following website to share screenshots.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #14938

    Hi Charles,
    is there any chance that one of the plugin or some code that you are using is forcing BuddyPress to use BuddyPress legacy user query.

    About the count in directory:- We are updating it but only excluding the users who have profile set to hide in member directory( and not the private profiles).

    If feasible, can you please check it on a fresh install and then activate other plugins one by one. if there is a a conflict with any plugin, I will be able to fix quickly.


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    Brajesh Singh on #15032

    Hi Charles,
    Thank you. That helps me to see that the activity module is inactive.

    Can you please also tell me which theme are you using(It might help to diagnose).

    Also, are you using any other member listing/restriction plugin or custom code?

    Thank you

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    Charles Lewis on #15573

    The BuddyPress theme was BuddyPress Legacy.

    I have updated to the latest BuddyPress version (3.1.0) which now adds a BuddyPress Nouveau. I have tried this as well, and it makes no difference.

    We have the following plugins:
    BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager from BuddyDev
    RCP for BuddyPress Add-on from https://skillfulplugins.com/plugins/restrict-content-pro-buddypress/

    Disabling the Restrict Content Pro for BuddyPress add-on resolves this directory listing issue, but means we have no user integration with BuddyPress.

    Posting this here for reference for others.

    I’ll log a support request with the RCP for BuddyPress developers to investigate this further.


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    Charles Lewis on #15575

    For additional clarity, disabling the RCP for BuddyPress does change the user count down to the correct number of users that have specified that their account can be visible, however changing to sort by alphabetical still shows users that should not be listed (i.e show by Last Active and Newest Registered shows 2 users; and sort by Alphabetical shows 7.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #15579

    Hi Charles,
    Thank you for getting back.

    1. Most probably RCP addon is also filtering on the user list. There is no issue with that, they should make sure that it does not affect the existing exclusion.

    2. About the alphabetical issue, It has been there for a long time with BuddyPress. We checked last time and a user who was excluded from the profile visibility was correctly excluded there too. I will be rechecking this and getting back to you in a day.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Charles Lewis on #15581

    Please advise how we can remove the dropdown on the member directory, or limit the search options.

    ie. remove the ability to select Last Active, Newest Registered, etc.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #15590

    Since you are using BP Nouveau, Here is an example to remove the alphabet filter

     * Remove alphabetical filter for members(everywhere) when using nouveau template pack.
     * @param array $filters filters
     * @return array
    function buddydev_remove_nouveau_members_filter( $filters ) {
        unset( $filters['alphabetical'] );
        return $filters;
    add_filter( 'bp_nouveau_get_members_filters', 'buddydev_remove_nouveau_members_filter' );

    You may use the keys ‘active’, ‘newest’ etc to remove the other filters.

    Best Regards

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