

How do I set the WordPress Restrict Email plugin to safeguard one WordPress page

  • Participant
    Nat Davis on #52860

    Hi everyone

    Can someone please help me with a how-to?

    I’ve just purchased the WordPress Restrict Email plugin and need to set this for one page only so that only the people I have emailed the link to can open it (ie. they can’t forward it to someone else to open).

    Thanks in advance

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24712
    Brajesh Singh on #52864

    Hi Nat,
    Thank you for purchasing from us.

    The plugin does not work for your use case. It limits users from registering on the site.

    I have issued a full refund via PayPal. You may want to check for a content restriction plugin that supports whitelisting by email.


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