

How to enable your visitors plugin for our vip members only

  • Participant
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    Love S on #48126

    I just bought your plugin “Buddypress Recent Profile Visitors Plugin”. My objective is to have this as a VIP feature available for VIP users only. But the regular members visits should still be recorded. They will just not see anyones visits and will not be able to opt-out from letting other users seeing their visits.
    The VIP members on the other hand should be able to opt-out from the feature and if so they will not see the visits either. But they will see the visits if they don’t opt-out.

    I understood it as it was built in that way. So that we could just enable it for users with the vip role. But it seems you haven’t done it that way. Instead we have to exclude users with certain roles. And if so their visits will not be registered? The problem is that the vip members will have both the vip role and the subscriber role and/or maybe also editor role. And also a problem seems to be that even if we didn’t have the issue with the multiple roles it would still not work as desired (as I described it above).


    Can we in an easy way display this feature for our vip members only but still register the visits from the regular members?

  • Participant
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    Love S on #48127

    I have now realized that it actually can work as desired if we just can give the users without vip a role and then just disable the feature for users with that role. We don’t have that role today, but we might be able to apply that and then this wouldn’t be a problem.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24722
    Brajesh Singh on #48133

    I believe this should be achievable:-

    1. In the settings “Disable for roles?”, Please select all roles except “VIP”
    2. Leave the excluded roles from recording empty
    3. set the policy to mutual.

    That would do it.


  • Participant
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    Love S on #48161

    No that doesn’t work. If a user has another role beside the VIP role then the feature is disabled. Also we don’t want mutual as we want to track the visits from the non-VIP-members as well even though they should not be able to see visitors themselves. VIP users are the only ones that should see visitors. But all visitors should count except visits from VIP users that has chosen to turn off the feature.

  • Participant
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    Love S on #48162

    Btw…what happens if someone belongs to a role that for which the feature isn’t disabled chose to turn off the feature so his visits won’t be tracked and then lose that role so that the feature gets disabled. Will his visits still not be tracked then because he chosed to opt-out from the feature while he was able to? Or is the opt-out option conditions with whether the user have a role for which the feature isn’t disabled?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24722
    Brajesh Singh on #48182

    We are releasing a major update to this plugin in next 7 -10 working days. That will take care of your issue.

    And you are right about the not being recorded. If any of the role of a user(in case a user has more than one roles) is excluded from recording, they will be excluded. We will put an option to decide your strategy to record or not?

    About your other question:- Visitors preference is only checked if the policy is “Mutual”. In your case, there preference will have no impact if it is not “Mutual”. If you have the strategy set as mutual, their preference will still be accounted(and it is a bug now that I think about it). We will update this behaviour in upcoming release.


  • Participant
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    Farmasista GmbH on #53620

    Hello Brajesh,

    we have exact the same issue with multiple roles. So if the user has a basic role too not just a vip, he is beein excluded and can not see the recent visitors.
    Do you have a code snippet how to solve this?

    Thank you very much in advance!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24722
    Brajesh Singh on #53634

    Hi Gabor,
    Thank you for using the plugin. I am sorry for the delayed reply.

    Please allow me to look into it and assist you within next 24 hours.


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