

[Resolved] how to remove icon's text for community builder theme for mobile devices?

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 17
    edelawit on #36323

    Hello there! how can I make community builder’s theme; profile menu (I think it is the primary menu) to show only icons on mobile devices? how can I remove the text that comes after the icons ONLY FOR MOBILE DEVICES?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #36344

    Thank you for the question.

    I do not think it is the right thing to do but here is the option to do it

    @media screen and ( max-width: 720px) {
    .bp-members-primary-nav-tabs li a {
        visibility: hidden;
    .bp-members-primary-nav-tabs a::before {
        visibility: visible;

    Please note, the spaces for text are still there due to use of the visibility.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 17
    edelawit on #36597

    Thank you Brajesh but I change my mind for removing the texts. one last thing; can you please tell me how to reorder the primary nave items? and where to put your code?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #36721

    Thank you for the reply.

    In community Builder 2.x, the only way to reorder nav is to either use BuddyPress Reorder Profile Tabs plugin or BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro.


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