

[Resolved] I installed Buddypress Facebook Connect. Not Happy!

  • Participant
    tim reed on #35

    The plugin is not visible anywhere except the login form that pops up now and then.

    No sign of it on the regsitration page, can’t seem to put it in the sidebar, can’t find any short code. Right now, it seems useless.

    Please explain.

  • Participant
    tim reed on #36

    Ya know. I’m unhappy with it. Please provide a refund. I’ll go with something else. Going to go take it off the site now. Please take the time to issue the refund now. I don’t want to have to file a complaint with Paypal.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #37

    Hi Tim,
    I have issued the refund.
    There are shortcodes available but since this plugin is currently on hold( It is on hold along with BP Editable activity), I have issued a refund.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    tim reed on #52

    Thanks. Sorry if I seemed harsh. Tried some many and had to fight with a couple of people for the refund. Good luck. I’ll check out your other stuff.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #53

    Hi Tim,
    No problem. At BuddyDev, we value your membership. For refunds, we have a no question policy. Your happiness is more important.
    All the best with your project and please do let us know in future if we can be of any help.

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