

[Resolved] I need to change how many top level profile tabs there are


  • Participant
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    phil may on #18631

    hello, i saw that you helped someone with a similar issue a couple years ago on this thread:

    I have too many top level tabs and it makes it impossible for people to see them all.

    I want it to be like this:
    Profile Activity <customyopnav> <themetopnav>
    -Messages -Forums -subnav -subnav
    -Notifications -Groups

    as it is everything i want under profile and activity are all top navs so they just spread over the edge of the screen and dont fit on the page. also it makes for a way better flow for my user this way.

    also as a temporary workaround is there a way to make the extra top navs just take up a line below the others instead of going off page?

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    phil may on #18632

    heres a picture of the mess i need help with:

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #18633

    Hi Phil,
    Thank you for the question.

    In BuddyPress, if you modify the url of a component, It will be broken as the screen handlers are attached with mostly hardcoded urls(slugs).

    The solution is to use greedy nav for profile tabs. It shows only limited number of tabs and remaining tabs become part of dropdown.

    Another solution(if you really want to link some tabs as sub tabs) is by using the Profile Tabs plugin, create an entry for the tab under which you want to move other tabs.

    Once you create the entry, add other tabs as sub nav of that entry. In its link (sub nav’s) option, please use our dynamic linking capability to link to other tabs.

    Now, it does not remove the existing tab but creates sub navs under another tab and links to the existing tab that you want to hie. Once you have done it, I suggest using css to hide the tab. It is not a great solution but a compromise.

    If I have to prefer, I will go with greedy nav using extra css/js.


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    phil may on #18634

    if I use greedy nav as you suggested, I will still have all the same tabs and extra jss/css to load, but if i use your plugin and css to hide tabs ill have some extra css but wouldnt that still render the hidden tab content, so rendering it twice on every profile load?

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    phil may on #18635

    i mean even though i hide a tab with css, it still loads just hidden, and loads in the dynamic subnav also?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #18636

    Hi Phil,
    Yes, you are right about that. Even if the tab is hidden, the links will show proper content. You are only hiding menu link and linking using dynamic subnav links.


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    phil may on #18653

    Brajesh, you are my buddypress hero. your help last night showing me how to use your plugin was invaluable!

    now my tabs look perfect!


    SO HAPPY NOW!!!!!!!!

    I only have one minor concern I think you can help me with this.
    the subtabs we made with your plugin do not like to display properly in responsive view, the page content goes over them

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #18659

    Hi Phil,
    Thank you for the kind words.

    I am glad I was able to assist you. Please link me to a page generated via the plugin and I will check the reason and post a solution.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 66
    phil may on #18660


    it is not generated by the plugin, but the subnavs we made go under that ages content when in mobile responsive view

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 66
    phil may on #18661

    you would have to log into your account and view your profile page from a phone to see the problem. you still have admmin access to the site so yiu can try

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