

I want commented and favorited whos post i commented on or favorited

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    cisdev on #783

    I am working with Buddy-press Version 2.1.1,

    When i commented and favorited certain posts no notification was received on the person whos post i commented on or favorited.

    for example if i favorite a comment on (user friend )rams page rams should receive notification that i favortited his comment. If Ashok and ram become friends and sumit favorites or comments on it then both Ashok and ram should receive notification that sumit commented on their friendship. This should go for not only friendships but for any posts which are favorited or commented on.

    Please give me solution or give custom code how to create.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24850
    Brajesh Singh on #786

    Install BuddyPress Activity comment notifier. That will allow the favorites/comments to be notified.

    Please do note that on special type of activities( Only friends actions), It will only notify one of the users and not the both though.


    Hope that helps.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    cisdev on #805

    I have added but now i want more functionality like for example

    if i favorite a comment on (user friend )rams page rams should receive notification that i favortited his comment. If Ashok and ram become friends and sumit favorites or comments on it then both Ashok and ram should receive notification that sumit commented on their friendship. This should go for not only friendships but for any posts which are favorited or commented on.

    Please give me solution or give custom code how to create.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24850
    Brajesh Singh on #814

    What you are looking for( multi user involved activity) is very unpredictable. The problem is BuddyPress does not store a list of all the users involved in an activity. Instead, One user is stored and the other user could be item_id or secondary_item_id depending on the type of the activity.

    The problem is, unless we have a list of all the possible activity types, and how the other users are stored, we can not put a generic solution.

    So, the question is , is your requirement limited to specific activity types like friend request? We have already got the comment setup correct(Everyone gets notified). Need more details and depending on availability of time, I may be able to put something that helps.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    cisdev on #833

    Thanks for your reply @Brajesh Singh
    I want multi user involved activity because, friend of friend should be notification, like i have given examples

    if i favorite a comment on (user friend )rams page rams should receive notification that i favortited his comment.If Ashok and ram become friends and sumit favorites or comments on it then both Ashok and ram should receive notification that sumit commented on their friendship. This should go for not only friendships but for any posts which are favorited or commented on.

    so i have no solution and custom code, i am able to receive notification when my friend like any post.
    but we have Big issue for friend of friend like post like

    .If Ashok and ram become friends and sumit favorites or comments on it then both Ashok and ram should receive notification that sumit commented on their friendship. This should go for not only friendships but for any posts which are favorited or commented on.

    so please sugges or give any idea.


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