

improving Buddydev Themes

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 14
    Cordial on #51142


    You are the best BuddyPress Forum in this world.

    You are more useful than the main BuddyPress support Forum itself.

    So I wonder what you’ve been doing with all these your active, vibrant and awesome usefulness, that I’ve not heard of your BuddyPress Themes among those pulling waves and vogue.

    You allow Kleo by SeventhQueen, BuddyX and Reign Theme by WBCom Designs, Gwangi, Aardvark, Cinematix, Olympus, and others to take center stage, and cash out big time from the WordPress Social Network and Community space.

    Those are the Big Names we hear, when people in WordPress think about Community Themes based on WordPress and BuddyPress– yet you’ve offered more help and more support in things related to BuddyPress than they all.

    Please, your name should be among those top names.

    I’ve bought Cinematix, Olympus and Reign Theme for client projects– because those Themes were well marketed.

    You need to also start doing insane and crazy marketing out there, for your themes to rank number 1 on the charts.

    I am of the opinion that you should place your Free Community Themes on the WordPress Repository.

    WBCom Designs is one of the Big Names when it comes to Community and Social Network Themes in the WordPress space.

    Their Free Theme called “BuddyX” is on the WordPress Repository as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/zZUgnF4y-jFG

    I am suggesting that your Themes should also be in the WordPress repository. The advantage of this is that, more people will find You, and it will also help your brand awareness a lot.

    2.) PRICE
    Many of the Community and Social network Themes we buy from Themeforest are sold for $59 to $69 on Themeforest.

    So I think your price of $99 is on the high side. Probably you’d need to revise your price and bring it down to that competitive place that others are selling for.

    BuddyPress has Emails by default, and we create these Emails normally as we create a normal Post in WordPress.

    Now, these Emails are triggered by Situations, as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/iPp4iPfC5zvE

    In BuddyPress, there’s no available situation to trigger the sending of Birthday Greetings Message to users, on the day of their Birthday.

    Add this feature to your Theme.

    If people buy your Theme, let it be, you’ve added a Birthday Situation Email to it, and users will be able to receive Birthday Greetings on the day of their Birthday from the Community website.

    Others have thought about it, but it has not been implemented, as you can see from Ultimate Member here– https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1765-send-birthday-greetings-to-accounts-with-today-s-birthdays

    This widget should show Upcoming Birthdays of users. See it here– https://wbcomdesigns.com/downloads/buddypress-birthdays/

    Add this Birthday widget to your Theme.

    Create Custom Frontend Login Form in your Themes, and this Custom frontend Login Form should be able to bypass the WP-Login.Php Page for Password Reset requests.

    As a Community and Social Network website, it means that hundreds of people will be Logging in to Register and create Accounts on the website.

    Now, we don’t want these people to ever see the WP-Admin and the WP-Login.Php Pages.

    In short, we don’t want these our users to even know that a WP-Admin and WP-Login.Php Page even exist.

    The flow should follow that, even if people deliberately type “ mydomain.com/wp-admin ” or they deliberately type “ mydomain.com/wp-login.php ” , it should immediately and instantly redirect them to a Custom Frontend Login Page that we have created– and they should never see the “ wp-admin ” and “ wp-login.php ” Pages.

    Please, add this feature to your BuddyPress Community Themes.

    Create something in your Theme Settings that enables us to pre-set our Sorting Order–such that, I should be able to Drag-and-Drop the Sorting Order around, somewhere within BuddyPress Settings– where if I arranged it as:

    a.) Alphabetical
    b.) Last Active
    c.) Newest Registered
    d.) First and Last Name**

    Then, whenever my Members Directory loads, this is what the Sorting Order will be.

    Please add this feature to your Theme!

    You will notice in my Sorting Order, that there’s an Option called ” First and Last Name “– which BuddyPress doesn’t have.

    I am hereby proposing that you should Please consider implementing this feature in your BuddyPress Themes.

    Now, I have tried to achieve it with this plugin — https://wordpress.org/plugins/force-first-last/

    Unfortunately, the plugin is not able to do it automatically. I need to actually manually edit it user by user, before I get the Usernames of my users changed from Username to First and Last Name.

    On my website made with Ultimate Member plugin, sorting is by First and Last Name as you can see here– https://member.cordialmarketplace.com/

    It will be a great relief to many, if you add this feature to your Community Themes.

    This utility will allow Different Directories, Activity Streams, and Groups Directory to be placed on any Post or Page within the website.

    See examples here–https://wbcomdesigns.com/downloads/shortcodes-for-buddypress/

    and here— https://wordpress.org/plugins/shortcodes-for-buddypress/

    Please, ensure that your Themes come with this feature.

    g.) MOBILE APP
    To finally dominate the space, ensure that you have Mobile App.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #51156

    Thank you for the suggestions.
    I am grateful for your kind words and suggestions!

    We are more of a developer and not marketing people. We have been around before BuddyPress was officially released on wp.org repo and we felt like supporting in any way feasible(but the things are a bit different now).
    Our expertise has been plugin and we focused on that. We lacked the design acumen for themes and that’s why we did not produce many themes. We did create community builder but it is more of a developer’s theme that site admins.

    We did hire a designer in our team and we do have something in pipeline for social network creation but that is not for BuddyPress.

    We are working for a complete solution aimed at site admins to allow them create the network without the struggle.

    I will have a lot more data and announcement between January 15th – to – February 15th

    If you are planing to create any amazing site, Please feel free to share with us the idea and it might be worth waiting.

    As of Community Builder Pro, It would probably be available for free in future.


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