Tagged: messages
I would really be thankful for help on this, I want when users type a message subject, it should include their username at the beginning or end. The Subject should be like this: “Username: Are you coming tomorrow?”
I was reading this useful article: https://samelh.com/blog/2016/01/22/buddypress-how-to-add-custom-content-after-message-text-content/Thanks in advance!
Hello Mwale,
Thank you for posting. Please try the following code and let me know if it works or not
function buddydev_modify_message_subject( $message_subject ) { global $messages_template; if ( 'sentbox' != bp_current_action() ) { $current_message = current( $messages_template->thread->messages ); } else { $current_message = end( $messages_template->thread->messages ); } $new_subject = bp_core_get_user_displayname( $current_message->sender_id ) . ': ' . $message_subject; return $new_subject; } add_filter( 'bp_get_message_thread_subject', 'buddydev_modify_message_subject' );
Thank you
RaviABBSOLUTELLY AMAZING!! Thanks Ravi, this code works perfectly inside buddypress sent box, but the issue is when using inside an app from apppresser.com. When messages are sent, still only subject is shown, like in this screenshot: https://screenshots.firefox.com/q0dKfDmB3I3HUGUr/drive.google.com . Is there way to make this code work outside sentbox?
Hello Mwale,
I am not much familiar with the app you are saying. So couldn’t provide help with that ask their support team for the help. Just try the following code it might help
function buddydev_modify_single_thread_subject( $subject ) { global $thread_template; $current_message = current( $thread_template->thread->messages ); if ( false !== strpos( $subject, 'Re:' ) ) { $subject = str_replace( 'Re:', '', $subject ); } $new_subject = bp_core_get_user_displayname( $current_message->sender_id ) . ': ' . $subject; return $new_subject; } add_filter( 'bp_get_the_thread_subject', 'buddydev_modify_single_thread_subject' );
Thank you
RaviHi @ravisharma , I really appreciate your help on this! I didn’t manage to get it to work but I am very grateful for the code. Thanks again!!
‘I have requested @ravisharma to check the code and assist you on this today. Regards Brajesh’
Hi Ravisharma, I am contacting you because I an having a lot of trouble getting this jQuery to work.
These are the js files in my GeneratePress theme:
Could you please advise me, in which js file I should copy the code to, and how it should be wrapped?
jQuery(‘#send_message_form’).submit( function() {
jQuery(‘#subject’).val(“Some message subject”);
The jQuery code above will not work with the current BP Nouveau theme. If you are using legacy, please do let me know.Regards
BrajeshHi Brajesh, thanks, though not the answer I was hoping for, but finally I’ve got an explanation, why this code doesn’t work with BP Nouveau.
I have found another topic on the subject, which is not using js, but that does not work either…
I guess I have to wait to see your message component. When do you expect it to launch?
I have asked this before, but just to clarify, will this extension only work with your theme, or can it be integrated with other themes with some customization?
CarstenHi Carsten,
That code suffesr from the same issue. Nouveau has a different structure and the old code (specially css/js) may not work.For the time being, all our plans remove around our upcoming theme. With the theme, we are in control of the whole appearance and behaviour and it gives us huge advantage.
I will share the details once we release it. It should be available latest by the 1st week of new year.
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