On a site I am working on, I am using Formidable forms and BuddyPress together. In the formidable forms, there is a field type user id that displays a list of all registered users in a dropdown. I would like to filter the list of users to only include the buddypress friends of the user filling the form. I thought I can use friends_get_friend_user_ids( bp_loggedin_user_id() ); to filter the list but I am not sure I am doing it correctly.
The code below works perfectly to filter the users in the dropdown to those who have the user role “author”. I need help to modify this to filter so that user friends are listed instead of authors.
add_filter('frm_setup_new_fields_vars', 'show_user_dropdown', 15, 2);
add_filter('frm_setup_edit_fields_vars', 'show_user_dropdown', 15, 3);
function show_user_dropdown($values, $field, $entry_id=false){
if( $field->id == 898 ){
$values['type'] = 'select';
$values['use_key'] = true;
$values['custom_html'] = FrmFieldsHelper::get_default_html('select');
$wp_user_search = new WP_User_Query( array( 'role' => 'author', 'fields' => array('user_login', 'ID') ) );
$authors = $wp_user_search->get_results();
$values['options'] = array();
foreach ($authors as $a) {
$values['options'][$a->ID] = $a->user_login; } }
return $values; }The buddypress function that I should use for getting a list of friends of users I think is: friends_get_friend_user_ids( bp_loggedin_user_id() );
So I tried by modifying the about code in the following manner:
add_filter('frm_setup_new_fields_vars', 'show_user_dropdown', 15, 2);
add_filter('frm_setup_edit_fields_vars', 'show_user_dropdown', 15, 3);
function show_user_dropdown($values, $field, $entry_id=false){
if( $field->id == 173 ){
$values['type'] = 'select';
$values['use_key'] = true;
$values['custom_html'] = FrmFieldsHelper::get_default_html('select');
$friend_ids = friends_get_friend_user_ids(1);
$values['options'] = array();
foreach ($friend_ids as $a) {
$values['options'][$a->ID] = $a->ID; } }
return $values; }I am not able to edit the above post, so posting a slight correction here, the $field->id == 173 for both the codes. That represents the field id of the user field in formidable.
Hi Nitin,
You are using correct function for fetching friends. The “friends_get_friend_user_ids” will give an array.We lack experience with Formidable Form. I will suggest posting on their forum to get assistance.
BrajeshThank you for confirming that the function I am using is correct. I have requested help on the formidable support as well and am waiting for a response from them. Meanwhile just to know my understanding of how the functions and array work, does this much part of the code look right to you?
$friend_ids = friends_get_friend_user_ids( bp_loggedin_user_id() );
$values['options'] = array();
foreach ($friend_ids as $a) {
$values['options'][$a->ID] = $a->ID; } }
return $values;I have got this to work. Here is the code for anyone else who may come looking for it:
add_filter('frm_setup_new_fields_vars', 'show_user_dropdown', 15, 2);
add_filter('frm_setup_edit_fields_vars', 'show_user_dropdown', 15, 3);
function show_user_dropdown($values, $field, $entry_id=false){if( $field->id == 173 ){ // replace 173 with the field id for the user id field in the form
$values['type'] = 'select';
$values['use_key'] = true;
$values['custom_html'] = FrmFieldsHelper::get_default_html('select');
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$friend_ids = friends_get_friend_user_ids( $user_id );
$values['options'] = array();
foreach ($friend_ids as $friend_id) {
$friend = get_user_by('id', $friend_id);
$values['options'][$friend->ID] = $friend->user_login; } }
return $values; }Hi Nitin,
Thank you for sharing. It’s good to know that you were able to resolve it.
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