Hi BuddyDev
I’m tryng to change the [ load more ] at the bottom
of the buddypress activity feed with — next page-The reason for this is because Im using plugins that work
with buddypress, but are not activating when the [ load more ]
creates a new set of posts.The page has to be refreshed.
It is to difficult to try and fix the current plugs, and any
others that could be added in the future.Do you have a way of doing this ?
Thanks for your help
Welcome to BuddyDev.
Thank you for your question.If you are using BuddyPress Legacy template pack, It is very easy.
Copy the bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php to your theme/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php and change this line
<li class="load-more"> <a href="<?php bp_activity_load_more_link() ?>"><?php _e( 'Load More', 'buddypress' ); ?></a> </li>
Just rename the ‘load-more’ class to anything else and It will work.
BrajeshPS:- You won’t have the previous page functionality though.
Hi Brajesh
Sorry didn’t check back for a week , wasn’t to sure anyone would
answer.That worked ! — in another sort of way. For some reason my buddypress
is running on the legacy sheet. The copy and tweek didn’t work but changing
the bp-legacy\buddypress\activity\activity-loop.php file in the original location
did work.Actually, erasing the other activity-loop.php had no effect on the site ?
whatever works right !Found them here
\plugins\buddypress \bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\activity\activity-loop.php
\plugins\buddypress \bp-themes\bp-default\activity\activity-loop.php
Here is a copy and paste for someone who might want to do this. I put a [next page]
button style link on it for the web page.<li class=”next-page”>
“><?php _e( ‘( NEXT PAGE )’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?>—————————-
Would you know an easy way to put a back page link on there ?
All someone has to do is hit the browsers back arrow button.
But there are people who don’t really know how to use a browser.
On some mobile devices there is no browser back page arrow.Thanks
buddyaccountWhy does pasting code here cut it into pieces?
Anyway the parts to change are there. Good luck.
- This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by
buddy account.
- This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by
1. For the code, you need to enclose it in backtick. Please see the notice just above post form for an example.2. I am not sure which theme you are using but if your own theme has buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php or you can create the folder/file structure and put it. It should be copied from bp-legacy template pack and not the bp-default.
3. Sorry, I am unable to assist you with the back button. You can probably use a button with javascript history.back() function.
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