

Loading Profile page specific template

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #5787

    Hi Brajesh, I’m after some advice please.

    About a year ago I could change the profile page template by changing the template of the Members page, the template would then flow down to the child page (I think that’s how it worked). However, this has stopped working, and in any case it was not ideal since it meant the members page had a template that might not be wanted.

    I’ve been told that it’s possible to set a specific template for the profile page by doing a template override, but I can’t think how I would do that.

    How would you set a template for the profile page that is different to the theme default?

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #5788

    Just to be clear, my theme default is a two column layout, for the profile page I would like a three column layout.

  • Participant
    Level: Master
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    Venutius on #5790

    see, the idea is that with mpp featured media that the user sets their own featured media, is that right? Interesting, I’ll have a play

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #5791

    It looks good, but I could not see anywhere to set the media as featured, do I eed a different version of Mediapress?

    Playlist and autoplay I think are important for the audio files.

    A slideshow, so that the member can show a lot of different images is also important.

  • Participant
    Level: Master
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    Venutius on #5792

    Oops replying the wrong thread lol

  • Participant
    Level: Master
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    Venutius on #5794

    I found a great little plugin called Content Aware sidebars that allows you to swap out the standard sidebars for customer sidebars on specific BP pages, I think this is half the task sorted, all I need to do now is to set the BP template to be three column. I believe I can do this by copying my themes three column pages php file into theme/buddypress.php, can’t try it right now, will try later.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #5797

    Hi George,
    If you are looking to do it only for the members profile section then you should create a template file as

    ‘buddypress/members/single/index.php’ that contains the layout and BuddyPress will use it.

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #5801

    Thanks I’ll look at that, just as soon as my broadband gets fixed 🙁

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #5809

    Unfortunately that did not work, neither did copying my three column template file to childtheme/buddypress.php

    I’ve looked all over the web and have got no new ideas.

    I’ve realised a workaround that will set all of BuddyPress to three column – change my site default to three column then manually set every page to two column. I’d reall like to avoid doing that for obvious reasons.

    Any ideas why BuddyPress is not picking up my new members/single/index.php?

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