

login to website each time users opened it


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #39108

    By default, WordPress remembers the login for 24 hours(in browser) and 14 days(if the remember me is checked).

    If they are complaining, they are most probably opening site in incognito mode and there is no solution for that.

    Otherwise, you may want to investigate if any of the security related plugin you are using and if they are limiting it.


  • Participant
    Level: Guru
    Posts: 903
    Tosin on #39164

    This might help I use this plugin to extend user login session https://wordpress.org/plugins/remember-me-controls/

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 153
    Talia B on #39203

    thanks for responding!
    u say 24 hours is the default for a session?
    but my users claim that when closing the browser and opening it again they should login again. is that the regular behaviour? the session is closed when closing the browser?

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 153
    Talia B on #39412

    please anyone ?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #39428

    I am sorry but it does not seem to be a common issue.

    Have you been able to replicate what your users say? Do you have any caching plugin enabled? Try disabling and then check.


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